    A real estate investment company
  • What We Do
    Residential Rentals, Property Management & Joint Venture Partnerships
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Worthland Holdings is a privately held, family-owned real estate investment company. We are active in real estate investment, development, property management, capital lending and private equity. Our values driven culture emphasizes integrity, fostering long term relationships, entrepreneurship, and gratitude. These values serve as the foundation from which we do business, treat everyone we interact with, and support our local communities.

Why Invest With Us?

Equity appreciation/Passive Appreciation is the most common method to generate ROI in real estate. As the market fluctuates, the property value increases. Market shifts are influenced by current economic conditions and are determined by comparable properties. The value of multifamily properties with more than 5 units are evaluated differently. Banks and appraisers evaluate a multifamily property like a business; they look at net income. Properties that have been neglected create an excellent opportunity for investors to purchase the property "at a discount" and set out to "force the appreciation/Active Appreciation" by being diligent in their approach to property management.

According to CIBC World Markets, real estate has appreciated an average of 5% annually to-date. Mortgage Recapture is our favourite method of generating ROI. Each month, income from rents are used to pay all expenses, including the mortgage. An investor's net worth increases as monthly rents pay down the mortgage on an investment property. In the end, the tenant ends up buying the asset for the investors.

Positive cash flow is achieved when rents collected are greater than monthly operating expenses. Whatever is left over after all expenses have been paid, including the mortgage, is deemed positive cash-flow. Experienced investors pay careful consideration to this area to ensure maximum ROI. The Power Of Leveraging your real estate investment is a huge advantage. Banks are all too willing to assist in the purchase of a cash flow generating investment property. This ability gives us the option of financing the property 70% to 85% of the purchase price. A $100,000 investment can purchase an asset valued $400,000 or more. Banks are willing to do this because the loan is secured by the property.

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